November 27, 2019

NLM Flagging SPLs Associated With Inactivated NDCs

In October 2019, NLM added an Indexing File (FDA-INITIATED COMPLIANCE ACTION - DRUG LISTING INACTIVATION) that includes NDCs from outdated or uncertified FDA listing records. NLM is now flagging SPLs associated with inactivated NDCs in DailyMed. Such SPLs will have a “Contains inactivated NDC Code(s)” link above the NDCs at the top of an SPL. Clicking on the link will display all the NDCs associated with the labeling, with the inactivated NDCs tagged. This tag will be removed after the manufacture takes action to be in compliance with the FDA.

A new link “View all NDC Code(s)” has also been added on the side and bottom, under More Info For This Drug.

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