Tips for the Most Relevant Search Results

Search icons for desktop, tablet, and mobile. Sample NDC code on a package

The search allows you to search by drug name, NDC code, manufacturer name, drug class or SET ID. The search functionality is available on the home page and represented by the magnifying glass icon. The search functionality can also be found on other pages in the top right of the screen for a desktop/laptop or tablet. On a mobile device, the search tool is accessed by choosing the magnifying glass icon on the top right of the screen.

What is an NDC code?

Each listed drug product is assigned a unique 10-digit, 3-segment number. This number, known as the NDC, identifies the labeler, product, and trade package size. The first segment, the labeler code, is assigned by the FDA. The NDC code can be found on the outside packaging of the drug.

You can search with this number to find the exact drug you have. For example, the same drug may be produced by many different manufacturers or the same drug may have different dosages. The NDC code would be unique for all of them and can help you distinguish between those result results.

In the search results you many also see a "NDC Item Code (source)." This refers to the NDC code for the original packaging. The other NDC codes refer to repackaged versions.

Advanced Search

The Advanced Search page allows you to conduct a more powerful search. Through the use of Boolean Logic, it allows you to use the terms "IN" or "NOT IN" and "AND or "OR" to refine your search criteria.

sample of advanced search

The Advanced Search page defaults to searching for "All Drugs." To restrict your search to "Human Drugs" or "Animal Drugs," click on the appropriate phrase at the top of the form. Each search box in the Advanced Search page consists of a place to enter your keyword and two drop-down menus. The first drop-down menu allows you to refine your search to where you want to search "IN" or "NOT IN," and second drop-down menu allows to choose your criteria for the type of information to search. Additionally, you can add new restrictions to your search by selecting the "ADD" button which makes the use of Boolean operators such as "AND" and "OR" available. You can then continue to add further restrictions, or you can remove them by selecting the "x" icon.

Note: Users with JavaScript disabled need to type in the whole search query manually. See example searches below.

Current types of information that can be searched include:


  • You can search for an exact phrase by putting quotation marks (" ") around the entire phrase or part of the phrase.
  • You can also use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard.
  • You can use the words"IN", "NOT IN", "AND or "OR" inside of your search phrase to limit your search even further.



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Browser Support

As of April 2014, NLM supports the following browsers: Internet Explorer 9/10, Safari 5, Mozilla Firefox 26 (minimum).


For an optimal experience, please use one of the above browsers and have JavaScript enabled.