ASTHMA COMPLEX - berberis vulgaris, cactus grandiflorus, carbo vegetabilis, chelidonium majus, cuprum aceticum, curare, dulcamara, ignatia amara, strophanthus hispidus liquid
Nova Homeopathic Therapeutics, Inc.
Disclaimer: This homeopathic product has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration for safety or efficacy. FDA is not aware of scientific evidence to support homeopathy as effective.
Suggested use for one or more of the following symptoms:
Allergic bronchial and/or emotional asthma attacks.
Usage & Dosage:
For oral use only.
| 12-15 drops
| 4-6 times daily, in accute phase every half hour until relief occurs
Children 2-12 years
| 8-10 drops
Infants 0-24 months
| 4 drops
Keep out of reach of children.
If symptoms persist, consult a physician.
Do not use if ring on bottom of cap is broken or missing.
Active Ingredients:
Berberis vulgaris 6X, Cactus grandiflorus 4X, Carbo vegetabilis 12X, Chelidonium majus 6X, Cuprum aceticum 4X, Curare 12X, Dulcamara 6X, Ignatia amara 12X, Strophanthus hispidus 4X
Inactive Ingredients:
Alcohol, 20% USP
Manufactured by Nova Homeopathic Therapeutics Inc., Albuquerque, New Mexico USA 87109
Nova Asthma Complex Product
Nova Asthma Complex Bottle Label
Nova Asthma Complex Box
Nova Homeopathic Therapeutics, Inc.